Angular Tips #1 — get rid of the long relative import paths
It might not be an issue for everybody, but in the big Angular projects where you have many modules and a lot of nested catalogs, it might get uncomfortable to have imports like:
import {SharedModel} from '../../../shared/shared.model';import {RequestModel} from '../../../shared/api.model';
- Any refactor of your component location will force you to update relative import path
- Any refactor of imported files location will force you to update all the files, where these files were referenced
Solution 1 — paths aliases
You can define namespaces and shorten your imports with TypeScript. In your tsconfig.json , under “compilerOptions”:
- Change “baseUrl” from “./” to “src”
- Add “paths” section and provide path aliases
{ "compileOnSave": false, "compilerOptions": { "baseUrl": "src",
... "paths": { "@env/*": ["environments/*"], "@app/*": ["app/*"], "@app-shared/*": ["app/shared/*"] } }, ... }
Thanks to this configuration, previous import can be shortened to:
import {SharedModel} from '@app/shared/shared.model';import {RequestModel} from '@app-shared/api.model';
Full tsconfig.json file below:
{"compileOnSave": false,"compilerOptions": {"baseUrl": "src","paths": {"@env/*": ["environments/*"],"@app/*": ["app/*"],"@app-shared/*": ["app/shared/*"]},"outDir": "./dist/out-tsc","sourceMap": true,"declaration": false,"downlevelIteration": true,"experimentalDecorators": true,"module": "esnext","moduleResolution": "node","importHelpers": true,"target": "es2015","typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"],"lib": ["es2018","dom"]},"angularCompilerOptions": {"fullTemplateTypeCheck": true,"strictInjectionParameters": true}}
Solution 2 — Barrel imports
You might not want to know only exactly in which file your model is located. You can also have a lot of files (separate file from “core” business model, another one for forms model, another one for api model, multiplied by a number of business domains…).
Your imports — even if shortened, might look like:
import {ApiModel01} from '@app-shared/domain01/api.model';import {MyForm01} from '@app-shared/domain01/forms.model';import {BusinessModel01} from '@app-shared/domain01/business.model';import {ApiModel02} from '@app-shared/domain02/api.model';import {MyForm02} from '@app-shared/domain02/forms.model';import {BusinessModel02} from '@app-shared/domain02/business.model';
In such case, you don’t have a problem with the relative paths. You have a problem with a lot of imports. I recommend to use Barrel imports in such case.
- Add index.ts file to shared/domain01 directory
- Add index.ts file to shared/domain02 directory
In index.ts file add exports of all the files included in this directory:
export * from './api.model';export * from './forms.model';export * from './business.model';
Now, you can import model in your component like this:
import {ApiModel01, MyForm01, BusinessModel01} from '@app-shared/domain01/';import * as fromDomain02 from '@app-shared/domain02/';/*In case of import with alias, You can access files like below:fromDomain02.ApiModel01fromDomain02.Myform02fromDomain02.BusinessModel01*/
Words by Aleksander Kołata, Senior Full Stack Developer at Altimetrik Poland
Copywriting by Kinga Kuśnierz, Content Writer at Altimetrik Poland